4 Things to Do When You Do Not Get the Job

You really wanted the new position at your dream company but were just informed that you did not get the offer. Now what?

As a technology recruiter for over 12 years I have had the pleasure of offering positions to hundreds of people. It is one of the most fun parts of the job. But for every job offer I have made to an excited candidate, there are always at least a handful of other not-so-fun calls with the candidates that did not get the offer. I have seen all kinds of different reactions and follow-up in these scenarios. If you did not get the job that you really wanted here are 4 things you should do:

Respond graciously

Some companies will call you to tell you did not get the job, while others prefer to communicate this message through email. Either way you should respond and your response should be a gracious one. Something to the effect of, “I am really impressed with the direction of the company, and I appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss this role. Keep me in mind for the future.” I have seen countless situations where a person was barely edged out in the interview process, only to receive an offer later when another position opens, or the candidate they initially hired falls through. These things happen all the time so a gracious response to being turned down is key.

Connect with the hiring manager on LinkedIn

If you haven’t already connected with the hiring manager, now is a good time. It shows that there are no hard feelings and can serve as a great communication vehicle for the future. Again, things happen, and if another opportunity opens with your dream company you want it to be as easy as possible for them to remember you. Showing up on their newsfeed once and awhile (for professional reasons of course) is an easy way for that to happen.

Keep an eye out for future opportunities

With modern technology, you can set up alerts that will email you when your dream company posts another position that might be a fit. When one pops up, apply to it. Or, better yet, inquire with your shiny new LinkedIn connections! CAUTION: be selective. It is not a good look when you apply for every single job a company has posted, regardless of the fit, just because you want to work there. That will likely come off as highly desperate and somewhat strange.

Move on

Not every company is the right fit for everyone. Sometimes the best thing to do is to find another dream company. Many have noted how recruitment is like dating. Sometimes you move on and suddenly your first love is interested again. I have seen this happen with recruitment time and time again. On the flipside, sometimes your first love never comes back, but that’s okay. By the time you move on, you’ve often found another company that is also a good fit for you and life goes on.

What suggestions do you have for people when they don’t get the job? Discuss in the comments below: